Saturday, July 5, 2008

The second date

Well if I were to say it wasn't a resounding success, I'd be lying. We talked, laughed, and learned. Not only about each other but about our backgrounds. I don't even know what she listens to or what she watches on TV. Somehow we managed to skip over all that and talk about our lives. We're pretty similar from what I've gathered.

Both of us have been through a divorce, me from the outside, and her as a child in the middle. Similar experiences there, arguments and crying. We both have this innate ability to let things slide, to get over all that has happened without losing our minds. It's a blessing I think, to be able to do that, to just live on. What's happened didn't kill us, it made us stronger. It's something that I think makes a strong bond between us.

She made a comment specifically about how good a listener I was. How she feels comfortable talking around me, able to just let it all flow out. Not even with the best friends she's had was she able to feel that. She talks a lot, and I don't mind it. It's easier to jump into a conversation when I don't have time to think about the answers as much as I do. I don't slip up as much. Yeah, what I say is more stupid, and often times awkward, but I wasn't too embarassed considering I was out with a girl who yells at big black guys* faking "gangsta" (i.e., flat-billed hat off to the side, pants off the ass, with a POLO etc.).
(*that looked like they could rip my arms from my body and use them as drumsticks)

Instead of seeing Wall-E, we ended up seeing Hancock. To say we both enjoyed it would be an understatement. We laughed together, she got a little teary during some parts, but a lot less than the girl blubbering a few rows back. She was very absorbed into the movie. It's on my recommended list.

We did just end up eating in the food court. She insisted on paying again, saying she couldn't trouble me for the $11 meals at the microbrewery I wanted to take her to. I can see where she comes from there, though. I don't like people to pay for me, but I feel obligated now to pay for other people, since everyone was so nice to me while I was growing up.

The mall that I took her to today wasn't as snooty and stuck up as the other one was. She felt comfortable there, which was a significant improvement over the last time. Unfortunately, due to stupid neighbors, loud fireworks, and a lack of self-restraint on the part of said neighbors, she wasn't able to get to sleep until 4 AM, which kinda degraded from the experience. We ended up leaving early so she could go take a nap, but she needed one and I didn't want her to suffer for my sake. If I'd known sooner I'd have let her sleep, but she didn't let me know until we were halfway there.

I got a hug when we picked her up, which surprised me. I'm taking that as a good sign. When I dropped her off, I got out of the car to walk her to the door. I took the safe route and left it as a hug, but she held on for so long, and rested her head on my shoulder. I'm thinking I don't want to rush this. I have a really good feeling about the whole thing, and I don't want to mess it up.

Speaking of tired, I'm really tired. I almost fell asleep writing this. >.<