Monday, June 18, 2012

Tornado Alley? What?

So I had a dream a few nights ago. There were a few things about this dream that set it apart from some of the others I've had.

One: It was not about anything happy at all.
Two: It still had a happy ending.
Three: Well, MY world was unaffected, but everyone else's world was rocked.

It started off pretty simply, I was opening presents from some sort of gift-giving holiday at my grandmother's house. Maybe it was my birthday, I don't know for sure. Whatever day it was, it started with everyone gathered around a table eating lunch. I opened my gifts, an Apple set (Macbook Pro, iPad, iPhone), from my grandmother. I wasn't able to get to any other gifts, as at that moment, it started getting very very windy outside. I stepped outdoors to investigate the wind, and saw a funnel cloud barreling down from the sky. I freaked, tried to get everyone inside but it was too late. The cloud sucked us all up into the air, and threw us all around the city. I passed out, recovered, and woke up in the arms of my stepdad, who revived me.

I got up, looked around, and found that I had landed in a grassy field with several of my friends from throughout life. My stepdad helped me get to my feet, and we spent the next few hours wandering around finding all of my family members as I ran into more and more people I used to know. Once we managed to recoup the family, who were entirely intact, we rallied to go back to my grandmother's house to see what damage had been done.

I volunteered to go, since it was only half of my childhood and I held no real attachment to it other than it having been my home for ten or so years. I peaked a hill and looked out on devastation like I'd never seen before. I spent another hour or two trying to get my bearings. Instead of being a vast wasteland of destroyed homes, there was only dirt. The tornado(?) was powerful enough to take everything off the face of the map. Fences, streets, houses, cars, they weren't damaged or destroyed, they were disintegrated. I walked through the "wastes" for another hour at least before spotting the house in the distance. My grandmother's house laid nearly untouched, with the only damage being that the porch that usually hung off the back of the house was instead skewered into the kitchen. Otherwise, the house was pristine.

I entered to find the house nearly as we left it, looking no more worse for wear than if it had only been a gusty day. I wandered around to make sure nothing inside was damaged. Everything important was intact, the only thing damaged was the window the porch was now hanging out of.

For some reason, my attention was directed toward the "Mac Pack" I had acquired, and I retrieved it, walked for about 20 minutes in a slightly different direction, and found my family staying right on the outskirts of the damaged land.

This dream seems meaningless. Maybe a dream about how the destruction of an environment has no impact on the strength of my family? Perhaps it indicates the "pillar" or "central point" of my life?

Not sure, but it sure was trippy.
