Saturday, August 13, 2011


You know, there are days in my life when I really understand what's going on around me, in the world, and within myself. Today's one of those days.

I just got home after a Josh Groban concert. Now, I've done this before, but this time it was a "game-changing change" kind of experience, and I remembered why I love singing so much. It's not about me, or how I feel when I sing. Singing for myself isn't what's exciting, it's singing for everyone, bringing my talent to the world.

During the show, Josh went out to answer questions the audience had texted him before the show. One was "You're my inspiration to sing, Can I sing something with you?". If I'd known that his answer to that question was going to be "I'll come to you, meet me at the bottom", I'd have asked that question myself. It's a dream of mine to sing with Josh, not necessarily in front of a crowd of thousands of people, but maybe just to a small group backstage or something at some point.

Now, how one pursues that kind of goal, that's the real tricky part.

Maybe, Someday. Once I'm a little older, have been singing a little longer, and have a little more talent, I'll give it a try. What's the worst he/his management/his bodyguards can say? No?