Monday, April 5, 2010

Love You All

This one's just an open shout to all my friends, all my family, for being who they are, and a quick rundown of why each and every one of you is just so damned important to me:

Mom: You're my mother, Duh. But beyond that, you manage to look beyond anything else and dig up that sense that only a mother can have to keep me safe. You're always open to having long, drawn out, wandering conversations about anything and everything, always offering advice and guidance when I'm the most lost.

Vic: For sticking to your morals, and being the father figure I needed, when I needed one, and being a friend when I didn't. Though I don't always agree with your methods, you hold true to what you believe, and it's made you into a place where you CAN do something about how you feel about the world.

Autumn: For being strong and pushing through everything you've been through in life, and for being stupid, because it gives me someone that has worse problems than I do sometimes. Helping you keeps me sane, what can I say :p

Jerod: For having broken me out of my shell, taken me to places I'd never been, showing me how life should be: LIVED.

Matt: For being a constant source of entertainment, support, encouragement, and knocking me down to size when my ego gets a touch out of control, which it does constantly.

Andy: For keeping your cool, introducing me to new ways of thinking, always having your head on your shoulders and answering so many silly silly questions about absurd things.

Erik: For always having that comment that makes me go O_o

Angela: For having that drive to get shit DONE that's inspired me to do things every once in a while and not be such a lazy bum.

Aimee: For having shown that no matter how much you do, you can ALWAYS do more, and it's ALWAYS worth it.

Sidnaceous: For having practically been a third parent for me, despite having been on the other side of the country

Tarnagh: For being my e-aunty of awesomeness.

Teyla: For being my conscience so many times I can no longer count them. Always making me think about all the consequences of my actions, no matter what they are.

Richard: For being someone I can spar with, who's mind is on a similar level as mine. The debates will rage forever, because it's just that damn fun.

Annalisa: For having shown me the forgiveness I never deserved.

Ammarina: For having been there when I finally got comfortable being me, and being able to listen to me babble on about shit for HOURS instead of just bailing on me when I'd drop you off.

And the rest of you: For all the little things you do every day that just make life worth living. No matter how bad a mood I'm in, even five seconds in the presence of any of you makes me forget what was troubling me, if only for a while.

It's friends like these that make me possibly the most lucky man in the world, and having made me a man while doing it. I look forward to DECADES with all of you. Thank you. I love you. All of you. Yes, even you.