Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Epic Weekend

My cousin (all these names are henceforth's, as in, henceforth they'll be known as this) Jer graduated third in his class of fourteen. Well, that's the one glaringly ordinary part of my weekend out of the way.
So, start this puppy off Saturday, with the barbecue party before graduation. Was hanging out, talking with the guys, etc. when one decided to get his go-cart and hit a few big dips. That, however was a BAD IDEA. Seven's go-cart was going about forty when it hit the biggest dip on the track. It dipped down, and came back up just fine, but on it's way back to the ground, it's nose hit the dirt. Well, with momentum being what it is, the cart went end-over-end twice. Thankfully Seven managed to kick out during the first one when the cart was still pretty high. The cart landed right-side up with the assistance of the valve cover, who's fee for that service was snapping off completely. Seven walks away with an ass with a nasty scrape, a skinned elbow, and a laugh.

The pre-graduation party finishes up just fine, and the guys and I take off so they can get ready for the big hour. I play some Guitar Hero for the first time. It's a fun game, I might pick up a copy sometime.
Anyway, the graduation has probably the MOST FREAKING AWESOME march-in of ANY graduation EVER. Take Pomp and Circumstance, and replace the instruments with an electric guitar. Well that was what they got. Apparently one of the sports coaches can play the guitar very well. (they just call them coaches, they never specify because they coach... well... everything) I have video but it's short and you can barely hear it over the crowd noise and it was a little too loud for the camera anyway. Still freaking awesome. Anyway... Speech, graduation, pictures, etc. etc. ON TO THE AFTERPARTY

So after graduation we end up hanging at Jer's house until the parties got going. His party gets a move on about an hour after we finally got home from the graduation. Was lame. Parents, coaches. Everyone was limited to one beer, etc.
We move on to Ope's house, as his dad works for Coors. Now THAT was a party. Everyone got locked in a garage with a fridge full of beer. So full, in fact, that the shelves had to be taken out to get it all to fit. Ten or fifteen cases. Needless to say, we got mighty drunk.
It was awesome. For probably the first time in my life, I was chatting up everyone. The girls were open for conversations, the guys would talk politics, occasionally someone would have to cut out to go to the bathroom, miss the conversation swing, come back, and confuse everyone.
Fun times to be had all around, even when I got confident (read: Drunk) enough to touch people.

Now you must understand, I NEVER touch anyone when I'm out of the house. Ever. I don't touch my co-workers, I don't touch my friends, I don't touch people to get their attention.

Well, I got touchy. I groped one of the sober girls on accident (while trying to get my balance) and forgot to move my hand when I had stood up again. Much to my surprise, she didn't mind at all, might have liked it even.

Anyway, Jer had popped off back home because his stomach hurt, and Picks stuck around until he got bored and left me there with the party. I wasn't too upset, I was having fun. I ended up feeling in charge of my other cousin Wherrz (as in, wherrz meh whisky). Well she got so drunk she was having trouble standing... at all. I confiscated her Jack 'n' Tea (marvelous invention by the way). She started sobering up a little, but tried three times to go streaking. Not happening when I'm around. There's always a camera, and unfortunately, I know this well.

Sober Groped Girl (whom I'm having issues naming otherwise) seemed to like the valiant effort.

I made it back to Jer's somehow. I remember a ride but not the driver. Sunday we went and saw Iron Man. It was awesome. That's my weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby boy, Don't put your hopes on this girl you accidentally grabbed when drunk. You were drunk, who even knows what really went down :P <3