Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Phoenix Requiem

@teyla: HUSH YOU! I felt it demanded it's own blog post and I hadn't gotten around to it. SO THERE.

Anyway, as Teyla pointed out, my last blog post didn't mention The Phoenix Requiem. Like LoadingReadyRun (which by the way is AWESOME), it has enough awesome points saved up to be worth it's own blog post.

I hesitate to call The Phoenix Requiem a webcomic. Though I can't find a better word, the artwork alone is awesome enough to push it just over "webcomic" quality, though it's mostly because of just how much detail is put into the shading. Just the amount of detail put into the whole thing is incredible.
The story flows very smoothly, the gestures are awesome, and just in general has the feeling of something well thought out.

If you haven't given it a look, take a while and read the archive. See it for yourself.

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