Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My long vacation

Heyhey, it's been a few days since my last post. Most reasons being that I don't have anything interesting to report, and also because I went on vacation for three days and nights.

Thursday night Mom had the baby (finally). Big Baby Rhiannon was born 9 pounds 11 ounces. Everyone was rushing around like those little ball-chasing ferret toys.

It was a nice vacation. Took off from work at 3 on Friday, stopped by home, packed up the little I needed, like an air mattress, two shirts, and swim trunks, and said my adieu to my grandfather, who was watching my brother while my mom was in the hospital with the baby. From there we went over to Hanzy's house to get his tent, as he wouldn't be making it up until 11 or later. From there it was a long drive to Glendo, Wyoming. We only stopped twice, once to get food from Wendy's and once because I had to use the bathroom (I can remember these things for some reason).

In the truck we had Tina, Mike and Alese, my aunt, her husband, and my cousin respectively. Hanzy and Sherry, accompanied by their little brat of a grand-nephew, would be coming up later. LONG drive later (two and a half hours) we arrive at the Reservoir. This place is AMAZING, you pitch your tent in sand right off the beach, sheltered by trees. The lake is gigantic. The beach is long and windy, with families having fun everywhere. Lots of hot babes in swimsuits... erm... yeah.

The first afternoon/evening is spent pitching tents and unloading. We had the misfortune of being there the same weekend as a ski group of around thirty people who very openly aspire to be pirates. While we were setting up they had a lively party, and stole our hammer. Those right bastards walked right up, grabbed the hammer from inside our truck, and vamoosed with it. I was very pissed off. Anyway, we get set up and take off to the beach to get some photos of the sunset, which is incredibly beautiful from there.
After that we hung out and waited for Hanzy, keeping the fire going and the food hot. They arrive around 11 ish, unpack a bunch of stuff, and we sit around the fire with marshmallows on sticks in hand. Now, Hanzy and Mike are both South-African, born and raised, so naturally, they speak a lot of Afrikaans to each other. It's a very confusing language.

That night I tried my damnedest to get some sleep, but the pirates were noisy. I'd be on the virge of falling into unconsciousness when some drunkard would shout "WENCH! WHERE'S ME RUM?!". Bluhg.

The next morning was great. I woke up, threw on my swim trunks and a shirt, skipped the shoes, and stepped out of my tent onto soft, cool sand... littered with twigs from the surrounding trees, of course. Ow.

We had breakfast. Eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, ham. The Five Camping Food Groups. That passed pretty quickly, so Keith, the annoying prick, Alese and I, played a modified game of Ladder Ball wherein there are two ladders. We played for a while and I didn't do very well, but it passed the time until the real fun part happened, the beach.

Being steps away from the beach has it's advantages. You don't have to bring the coolers with you, for one. We were close enough to the shoreline to leave the drinks at camp and just set up the chairs and canopy. Spent the day there. Unfortunately I didn't spend as much time relaxing as I wanted to because Keith wanted to swim. He wouldn't shut up about it until he did, and he only did when someone went with him. I ended up getting out of the water to play Badminton with Mike. That was pretty much our Saturday. A lot of beach, not much else. Got an awesome tan though.

Sunday we went and rented a boat. Not a really fancy boat, just a pontoon boat. It was enough to keep us entertained for a day though. We drove down at 8 to pick the boat up. There was a hot girl working the desk that, as I found out through conversation about fishing and SCUBA diving, was 18. I got reeeeeeeeeal quiet. I thought. My biggest downfall, thinking, had struck again. DAMN MY BRAIN MEATS.

Rawr. I bought a pair of sunglasses while I was in there. Little did I know, I was going to lose my wallet in the reservoir.

I stuck my wallet into my back pocket and we tottled off to our boat, waiting in the marina below.

We hopped in the boat, navigated it out of the marina, and hauled ass to the other side of the lake where the Sandy Beach campground resides. I stood most of the time, unbuttoned shirt fluttering in the breeze. The spray of water from the force of the boat blasting it's way through the water. {/overdescribing}

It was time to pick everyone else up from the campsite. We got that out of the way and began exploring the lake. I remembered some good swimming spots from the last time I had been out there, so I navigated us in and we took a little swim. Unfortunately, when I got into the water, I completely forgot about my wallet, which was residing in the pocket of my trunks, without any way to fasten it in. Of course, I didn't notice right when I got in, and by the time I remembered, it would have either been carried by the current an untold number of miles, or sunk to the bottom, about twenty feet down. Yar.

Of course, no story involving annoying people can go too far without them. As I was attempting to board the boat again, I sliced my hand on an exposed screw. It's quite a nasty cut. Of course, Mr Mini-Asshole heckled me about my complete inability to board the high craft. That's not the worst part. He later called me an alcoholic because I had ONE beer while we were on the boat. ONE.

The end of the day we took the boat back. The girl was still there. I went to go buy a flashlight so I had something to see with, as Hanzy, who's keychain light I was using, was leaving. I reach for my pocket, having completely forgotten I had lost my wallet to the water, and sheepishly returned the flashlight to it's foam resting place in the little store.

Thankfully Hanzy had his wallet handy and sprung the $8 for the light. I'm now the proud owner of a little handheld 3 LED flashlight. YAY! -_-

Right, so we head back to camp, they pack up and leave, uneventful night. The next day, spend more time on the beach, grab a few quick snaps of the beach and sunset again, and a pic of me while I was at it.
And thus, that was my weekend in a nutshell.

Yesterday I managed to get to my bank and get my debit card re-issued with a new number, and managed to talk to the girl at the Philly Cheesesteak place. Turns out she's just about to turn 17. :D

Righty. That only took forever.

Until next time

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