Sunday, October 26, 2008

Time... Flies...

Okay, so updating this thing is a little harder to keep up with than I'd like it to be. A lot has happened, a lot of it I don't remember.

So instead of trying to get it all down, trashing my brain trying to find the little bits of information I want to put here, I'll just type up what comes to mind. This will lead to what is most likely a hard to follow series of thoughts that won't make any sense to anyone.

Friday night I kissed the girl who I've deemed my current "problem girl". Nobody I know is happy that I did that. Nobody likes her. She is pretty attractive, and has an okay personality, but for some reason, everyone thinks I need to wash my mouth out with battery acid because of it. Okay, so I was a little drunk, I still made the conscious decision before. I'm not really all that happy about it myself, because the kiss felt a little... empty. Although she was into it, and I wasn't really very drunk, I didn't feel anything. It's a strange sort of disconnect, actually. You'd think there would be at least a little bit of feeling there, but no. There was nothing.


Well, I suppose it's not too bad. I mean, it's only the first kiss I can remember in 5 or more years. I guess it's better than nothing. Though, now that I have, it makes me feel a little more sure that I need to find the right person before committing to anything. In my desperation, I'd thought anyone would do, but not so. For that, I am glad, because it makes me even more sure that I'll find the RIGHT person, and not just settle.

So the rest of the night was a little strange. I had already stopped thinking about the kiss, so I had a lot of fun. Talked with a bunch of people I hadn't seen in about six months. Absolutely everyone was there. Everyone was happy to see me.

After a while, I ended up talking to this girl named Kendra, and ended up talking about being nervous, feeling out of place, and it was a nice long two-sided conversation. It was fun.

Then I got drafted into a beer pong team. Kicked ass with a guy who's left arm was nub just a few inches from the elbow. beat the reigning champs.

That was my friday night, Hung out with some people that I hadn't seen, had a few beers, kicked ass at beer pong, and kissed a girl for the first time in years. I'd say the night was a success.

The next day, however, wasn't as great. Started the day off at 12:30, played a little Army of Two on my cousin's PS3. A few hours later, got drafted into a game of Denver in a Box, which is essentially a ripoff of monopoly. Turned out Problem Girl had spent the night. Awkward.

I was the first out, followed by one of my cousins, then my aunt, then it was down to Problem girl and Asshole. Well, Asshole won, and was an asshole about it. No surprises there.

Watched a few horror movies. Everyone was there. Afterwords Asshole, Cousin, and Aunt took off, leaving me and problem girl alone. I apologized for my actions. She changed the topic. Awkward again. She needed a ride home. I can't drive, so I offered to walk with her. Three miles in the cold, not happening. She ended up finding a ride, and left without saying goodbye. I was sitting alone in the dark for about ten minutes. Nobody said goodbye, nobody said anything about taking me with them. So, Cooler Cousin gets home from the Avs game, and promptly went to bed. Alone in the dark... again. At least he said goodnight.

So I got online and chatted with people. So boooooooored.

Ended up going to sleep at 3 AM. woke up this morning at 11:30. Had a good breakfast. Izgud.

Let's see... Last Monday I went to go see Sex Drive with a girl I met in the DO IRC. We met at Noodles and Company downtown, then went to the theater afterwords. Was a great movie, I recommend it. Took the light-rail down to the park 'n' ride, where her car was parked. She drove me home, met my mother, hung out for a while, then left. Was a good time overall. The whole time it was awkward. She's exactly like me, so the blame rests on both of us for the awkwardness. It was a fun awkward though, and we laughed because we pretty much knew what each other were thinking in our awkwardly directed window-stares. I almost didn't go home when my mother told me I was breaking the plan. I didn't because I'm too obedient. But yeah, Mom likes her, wants me to do more with her, but I think she's going to end up as just a friend.

Uhm... So yeah, I guess that's what's happening in my life at the moment. I don't know if it's interesting or not, but there it is.

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