Monday, March 25, 2013


So, last night I had a bit of a revelation: I'm not getting enough done. Well, okay so that's not much of a revelation, especially if you know how much stuff I get done on a regular basis (it's sad really, especially with all my aspirations).

But I had an idea, brought about by all my favorite TED talks that speak on making everything into a game with the purpose of making it fun. Do Stuff, Get Points, Receive Bacon(Or some other such reward).

Here's what I'm thinking: days dedicated to specific tasks.
Mondays are going to be creative days. Tuesdays, a personal "do whatever" day. Wednesday and Thursday Production and Social/relaxation days respectively. Friday dedicated to other people, friends/family/etc. Saturday dedicated to team-building things with whatever group of co-workers are available, and Sunday free for catching up on the previous week's missed points.

For each day, there's a different point goal, and for each specific task, a different number of points. Like this blog post, this is a personal blog post, so for this week, that would be one point towards Wednesday's "Production Budget" of points.

My preliminary list of Creative things for Mondays include:
Starting or Finishing a short-story - 1 point
Write based off of a new Writing Prompt/Storymatic pair - 1 point
1000 words for H+ - 3 points
Practice drawing, trace/analyze a character - 1 point
Practice Animation - Vector Trace a character concept, animate 12 frames of walking/talking motion - 2 points
Draw/paint a new landscape - 3 points
Draw a new character pose - 3 points
Record H+ Project video blog - 5 points
Write a COMPLETE short story - 2 points

Right now, I'm looking to do 5 points of creativity every Monday.

This is just a preliminary idea, so it might not stick, but I think it's a bit of an interesting idea considering the push toward gamification. Maybe I'll code a web application to track points for people, if they think this is a cool idea. Anyway. 1 point down for Wednesday, now to work on Monday's points.

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