Thursday, April 17, 2008

I just took a nap.

Yeah, I know. It sounds funny doesn't it. There I was, minding my own business watching Robin Hood: Men in Tights, when I suddenly find myself more than halfway through The Prestige, laying in a small puddle of my own drool on the couch. I fell asleep, which is strange considering I had a perfectly awake day. I guess it wasn't enough activity for me. Oh well, a nap is a nap.

I'm a little annoyed, however, by my family's stupid habit of assuming there's a liner in the kitchen trash can. You know the cans with the dome tops and the lids that have the little roll up thing to open them? I can't find a picture ATM, but that's what we have. Anyway, it seems everyone has developed the habit of just opening the lid, not bothering to check the liner, and throw their garbage in it.

That itself wouldn't be so bad, excepting the fact that I am the one who changes the trash bag. I had to reach in there among the bad potatoes, banana peels, macaroni and cheese, and coffee grounds, to retrieve the liner. So you ask, why didn't you just put a bag on top and dump? Well my dears, the simple fact of the matter is that our garbage weighs anywhere between 15 and 50 pounds. I can barely lift the bag out of the can sometimes let alone the can itself, considering it weighs around five pounds itself.

Now, the first thing I had to do when I got up from my lovely spontaneous nap, was to change said trash bag. That only compounded the frustration. So now not only was I pissed about reaching down amidst the worst garbage you could fathom, I had to do it minutes after I woke up.


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