Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Okay, so I'm hormonal.

Yeah... So I completely lost it yesterday. There was so much more to it than just "She found a guy". There was, "She never read the blog post I wrote for her to tell her how much I feel for her, and on top of that, she found a guy"

You might have read it, and it is here, but it's a moot point now. I don't want her to read it. I think trying to get her to read it now would just complicate things in her life more than they need to be. She's happy with "Mr. Perfect" (at least, she THINKS he is) I might try again if anything goes wrong with this guy, depending on if there's someone else I find myself in love with.

Anyway, after that last emotional malfunction, I find myself just as cheery as ever. It's not without help from you guys. Special shouts to Mel, Shelle, and Jas. You guys helped a lot.

Well, it looks like I'm spending another weekend at home. Usually that would piss me off, but considering my cousin is graduating on the 17th, and there is supposed to be a HUGE party afterward, I think I might be able to wait. If I can I might try and get together with another good friend of mine who is a little closer, but most likely just as busy. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. If not, the scenery nearby is BEAUTIFUL this time of year, and I haven't taken my camera out and taken any good scenery pictures yet.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Sweet. I get a shout out :o