Monday, June 23, 2008


Yes, it happened. The date! It happened! Nothing got messed up, no plans got changed, nobody was late. We ended up going to Chick-fil-a because everything else sounded nasty. (...?) It's what she wanted, and she INSISTED on paying. I offered, but I didn't want to force it on her and piss her off. Anyway, we talked for AGES at the food court, (which the snooty mall called the "Dining Hall". Ritzy). She loves the way I talk and how sheltered it sounded, how proper I was with my grammar. Apparently I need to loosen up. We hung out in the mall that contained said restaurant. It was ritzy, and she had fun, but the snooty people kept glaring at her... probably because she was covered in wall paint.

She made fun of the people who pay $50 for a strip of fabric. Which was pretty much everyone there. After we were glared at for a while it was obvious we weren't welcome there, so we took off. On the way back in the direction of her house, she surprised both I and my stepdad when she asked if we wanted to do anything else. I did the gentlemanly thing and let her pick the next thing we did, since my idea led to glaring and discomfort.

Apparently her friend was jonesing for a game of pool. Well, It's not really in my nature to say no, and besides, her friend wouldn't have given us directions unless we let her go too. We pick her up. (Might I say, her friend was HOT) Anna sits in the back, squished between me and the carseat. I didn't plan it that way, but it ended up being a good opportunity to grope her ass. (Hush you) She had directed my attention to her boobs and ass earlier, while showing off her scars of battle (paint splats). Yeah... I took the opportunity and she just smiled. I guess it was the right thing to do considering she had just sat on my hand.

Right, so we get to the pool hall, and the first game we play, I CREAM her. It was bad... I think I had a five-hit streak. Unfortunately I set the precident, so if we go again I can't intentionally lose or it will LOOK like I let her win and that might not be the best idea. Played her again and tried to ease up a little, and it got down to one ball each plus the eight. Lost on a technicality. Her friend wanted to play me next, and she was decent. Wasn't able to beat her but it was close. The last game of the night I played with my stepdad, and she played with her friend. I tried my best not to pay too much attention, but the whole time they watched me.

The ride home was... interesting. We crammed in the back of the car, did the fun buckle-groping, and set off for her friend's house. My stepdad ended up taking a road that was in disrepair for the first leg, which meant lots of bumping back and forth intentionally. She ended up holding on to me to avoid being shaken around too much. We hit a smooth strech of road and she set her head down on my shoulder. That was comfy.

At her friend's house I offered her the front seat. She said it was too much work to get out and walk around the car to sit up front, and seemed happy when I just told my stepdad to start moving again. Now I'm no expert, but getting out of a car, and getting back into it on the other side... isn't that hard. I'm thinking she was happy where she was. Just a hunch mind you.

We get to her house, and all pile out of the back seat. I walk her up most of the way because her mom's standing in the doorway and Anna's not ready for me to meet her yet. She seemed in a hurry, being urged to the door by her mom, so there's no opportunity to move in for a kiss. She gets halfway between me and the door, turns around, arms outstretched. I was already walking away at that point, so she tries to get my attention with a cough. I turned around, saw her with her arms out, and felt like a dumbass. So I run back up and hug her. She's squeezing tighter than I was at first. I wasn't too sure what kind of hug she wanted... but it was fairly clear by how tight she was hugging me that it wasn't just a "yeah, good to see you" kind of hug. As she turned to go back in, she said "Don't worry, you did great."

And I guess that's the rundown of the evening.


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