Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Killers - Human

I'd like to say right now, BRAVO.

This is the first time I have ever been interested in an entire album by ANY band, let alone before I hear the whole thing. All I have from The Killers' new album is the recently released Human from their upcoming album Day & Age.

...Yeah, okay, that sounds like a plug, but it's not supposed to be. This is me on my feet shouting to the heavens that this song is freaking amazing. It's a disconnect from most of the Killers songs I've heard in the past. Mr. Brightside had an older feel to it, and All These Things That I've Done had a nice ambiance effect to it, but Human has an epic all-surrounding feeling.

It's got a strong beat, a powerful synth "oohh" behind the beginning, a strings ensemble behind the majority of the song, mixed in with a buzzy electro-synth.

If the rest of the album is half as awesome as this, I'm buying four. One digital from amazon, one for my car, one for my mother's car, and one to keep in a drawer in case either of the other two gets scratched. Yeah, you heard that right. I won't just copy the disc, I'll buy more than one.

Just. That. Awesome.

In fact, it's awesome enough to pass me by my most recent month and a half writer's block. It's inspiring enough to get my working on my projects again... and blogging. Need to do more of that.


Shelle said...

I don't like the killers. -.- that's all.

Jadey said...

I haven't heard it yet, I'm sure one of my friends will get it.

And that sounds about right, I was checking to make sure it still worked :)