Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cell Phone Company Convolution

OKAY, I'm no longer a sideline skeptic. Cell phone companies blow chunks.

So my cell phone company, who's name brings me agony indescribable, has made me angry once again. I'm pissed off. The one plan I REALLY need, an add-on to let me connect to the internet FROM MY PHONE, isn't available on the plan I'm currently using. A plan that has unlimited data.

Now, if I'm paying for the service, WHO GIVES A FUCK what plan I'm on? WHY DOES IT MATTER? I'll tell you why. Because they can make more money by getting me to switch plans. In the corporate scheme of things, does ten dollars a month REALLY make that big a difference?

NOT ONLY have we been with this company for TEN YEARS, we've never been late paying a bill, we've always been good customers and upgraded our phones often, we've never called customer support, tried to get money for dropped calls, we've referred people, all that jazz. So why, when I say I want to have a plan that lets me connect my PHONE to my LAPTOP and get INTERNET, they say no?

Is selfish greed more important to them than their customer base? Is losing all those customers they did REALLY not making that big an impact? This company needs to realize that they have to appeal to the customer, stop dragging their longest customers through the mud, and start offering things we WANT.

They may have lost me.

Sprint, as a loyal customer who's been using your service happily for ten years, I'm sorry to say that we WILL NOT be agreeing to another two year contract. You can expect three less phone's worth of income when our current contract runs out.

I hope in the future you steer yourself in a direction that values the customer more than the money you are going to lose without those very people.

While I'm at it, text messaging rates. They're absurd. It does not cost $.45c to send a text message to Australia, thankyouverymuch. I might not know much about cellular phones, but I do know that I can send the same text message on the internet, using the same data cables, for much, much less. So much less so that it doesn't even increase my monthly internet bill.

And now, I'm off to find a provider that won't screw me over, if they even exist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

switch to verizon! then we can talk/text for fwee!