Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon, New Me

Hey all, it's been a freaking fortnight since I last posted, and I think it's about time I finally take this damned thing seriously.

So I've started working at Geek Squad, and it's more than I ever dreamed it would be. The people I work with are great and very accepting of exactly who I am. It's rare for me to have a place I can go where everyone knows exactly who I am and still absolutely adores my particular brand of crazy. I'm definitely feeling very good about this job, what I do there, and how I do it.

I'm very good at selling things, I've found.

But anyway, that's not really what this post is about.

I saw New Moon last night. It followed the storyline of the book a lot better than the first one did, had lots of very attractive people doing things making them even more attractive (If I do say so myself), and was exactly what I had expected it to be. It did something I was hoping it would do too, it gave me a fresh look on life, and an increased drive to become better.

This, coupled with the recent re-insertion of my music back into my life, has led me to an incredibly phantastic mood. A mood so good, in fact, that I'm dancing and singing around my room again, something I haven't done in ages. It's a very welcome mood change I've been waiting for for a while.

I'm once again very confident in myself and who I am. I'm willing to spend money to improve my looks, I'm grooming myself a lot better than I have been, working on changing my look to better suit who I AM not who I wanted to be.

This acceptance of myself is going to lead to good things, I feel. There are a lot of cool things going on in my life, with a lot of cool people, and it's making for a very fulfilling life right now. It's exactly what I want.

-- Christian, a new me, with a new attitude.

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