Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Being ME

Unfortunately, in the recent past with my newfound friends at Best Buy, I’ve begun to find that it’s fairly hard to manage multiple groups of friends without having tension in the transition.

So last night I spent the night at my friend John’s house, at which was also my friend Spenser. It was awkward like none other. I don’t really understand why this was the case. I was sort of clammy, hiding, and just in general not having much fun, even though these people were the people I’d been attached to more than others.

It’s not really so much that I wasn’t comfortable anymore, it’s jut that I’d adjusted to the kind of people I was hanging out with at Best Buy, because they both have very different kinds of humor. As a group Best Buy people have a much more open and accepting atmosphere. With John and Spenser, I don’t really feel in control of what I feel or what I say, but that I’m holding back because I didn’t want to offend.

It doesn’t help that Spenser isn’t really accepting of who I am… or what I want. He’s threatened to stab me if I end up dating Fel. Oh well. Happens. I need to learn how to tend a knife wound anyway, survival tactics you know.

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